Have a tasty review.
Sprinkled with tartar sauce and maybe some cheese.
I'll put aside the horrible NG mastering, and try to focus on the song itself.
When you brought the song in, ill be honest right now, i hate that crash. You threw in a too big of a phaser/flanger.
Now, to the first arp...i like the filter, and the arp filtereing in is very, VERY solid. Like that part.
Now...when you bring in the fully filtered in arp with the drums at the start, i think you could have put more effort into it and then made the arp more diverse.
Maybe a melody teaser, instead of repeating the same thing?
The break, when you started to bring in the melody, was way WAY too long.
How to shorten that part up would be to like, make it, instead of like, a 30 or 40 bar build up, only an 8 or 16 bar build up.
Then you can spend more time making the melody more diverse!
The clav/bells you have going with the melody were great, but id like to hear them more...harmonic or melodic.
Ack, that crash is bugging me...i wouodnt mind if you used it only like, once or twice in the song, but id like to hear a more solid crash!
I can't hear the open hi hat very well, and in my opinion, the open hi hat adds the groove to the build.
Back to the build up!
When it starts, i like the little 'down' effect. But id like t hear a big ass BOOOOM.
The stutter you bring is great, so no complaints there.
I dont like, however, how you brought in the full melody in the build up.
I would do the build like:
(boom/break)->(Filter in half melody)->(Melody is still filtering, and snare roll starts)->(snare roll is done, and then its a big BOOM, and then the drums stop, and then the kick breaks in on a 4 bar break, then the melody breaks in).
That adds a lot of power to the song, it adds an anti-climactic drop, thena bring back.
When the melody hit, you brought in the ride RIGHt away. I dont like that.
Id like to see the melody play once or twice, maybe more or less, then have a drum drop, then a drum bakc in, and maybe a 4 bar drum roll, then the ride breaks in, with a BOOM.
Boom FX always send a chill down my spine, because they define when a song is rising, and then it makes it feel so much more comfortable.
Good luck in the future.