
430 Audio Reviews

294 w/ Responses


Totally, liek, kewl shit here yo.


Oh, and thanks for letting me vent out my boredom with this collab. I think it turned out actually pretty alright :)


Anima-Theory responds:

You douche :P

No worries, Yeha I think it turned out very nice indeed

We should do more :P

What the fuck is wrong with the first reviewer?

Seriously,this may not be 100% pro, but this sure as HELL doesn't deserve a 0. Fuck, if hes so PRO, then he could have at least god damn told you that this could ahve cae in softer, this may have doe good here, in stead of 'blah blah blah this sucks im pro i can help you'.


The melodies and percs are actually very well written, I was expecting something a little more n00bish for some reason. I was quite satisfied.
Your transistions are kind of blurry, and by that, i mean, some synth just kind of but in out the middle of no where.
When you bring in that drum line, the Cascada ish type drum line, I think it would have been better if you had that hard saw synth filter in there, since it sounds VERY empty. The piano riff is enjoyable, but it needs to be accompanied by other things, but not so many of those things that the piano is butted out and you can't tell its the focal point anymore.

Like I said before, your melodies are great. Just, the mastering gets really muddled. You can't really hear the kick.
If you are going to add something in the melody, remember to get rid of something. Maybe you have 2 melodies playing on one synth, I dunno. Just try to keep your melody synths as simple as Melody lead + Bassline + Pad(thats a maybe, if it doesnt sound full enough already).

To make the kick more apparent, add a compressor on the main channel, then the entire song will be more contained (then you cant add so much, that will help with the whole muddling bit. You add too much, and it'll distort) then, add a bass boost on your kick. (EQing it could also work, but i just find it easier to use a bass boost), then make it a decently high but low frequncy. Like, around 70-85 Hz. Then, keep changing the amount of bass, so that it doesn't distort. Then, add something that is high ended (like a hat, or a click, or something) to play on the same times that the kick plays. Then you can hear the kick, and it'll have a great amount of bass.

Also, remember to adjust the volume in your track a LOT. Fade ins, fade outs, filters, new synths, and remember, just cause you spent 4 days on a 16 bar synth line doens't mean that it needs to out there so everything distorts. Keep some things in the backround, and bring them out when needed. Nothing really needs to be blaring.

Good work, I am actally quite impressed.


Anima-Theory responds:

That took me a week to read :P


I don't know if i remember you or not, so I'll just say that I do... <_<

Very nice beginning, i must say. I really enjoyed the soft pads. but when you broke the kick in, I think you could have waited 8 bars to do that, instead of 4. Then have a little drum break in n stuff.

The notes you used are nice, but have been used over about 10,000 times from every trance producer in the world. Just to tell you.

When you break in the gated synth and everything and the melody, I'm thinking that it sounds nice, but im slightly annoyed that, well, its default sytrus synths. Not only that, but the default synths are perfect remakes of popular 90s synths, so they been used a lot.

Excellent song, but ill just sum up what i believe you should work on:

Make everything flow a little more. Add some more percussion, make the kick more apparent, make open hi hats, clap breaks, and make sure you aren't adding the synths or drums too fast. Make it slow and steady, and full of groove.

Look around on the net for some nice VSTs. It'll make your music sound much more original, and more powerful and all that junk.

Excellent work, just work on trying to be more original :)

Keep it up!


Leaving...tsk tsk

I was reading the reviews to find out why you are leaving, and its about the 0 voters?

I will tell you right now, I relly respect you, but you need to stop god damn caring about the score. Look at my submissions. If you averaged them out in score, it would probably be literally 1.33 or so.

Think for a second:

You get good reviews. You get actually, quite a few reviews. And guess what?

Your scores are HIGH.

Stop complaining, and enjoy the ride. If you wanna leave, then leave. No one can stop you. But you've got a fan base going on here. Stay about another half year or more, and you could be big.

Good work on the song, but smarten up.


tF-ownedyou responds:

Lawl.. your right.. maybe i'll stick around a bit longer.


I see that this song is 'mixable', I guess you could say. The melody totally owns me though... but I still see that you are stuck to that damn Music Box :P

Awesome work. Fifen.


The-XI responds:

Yeah man, music box owns!

Very nice.

I would normally write a review, kissing your ass and calling you god cause my abilites have nothing compared to this, but I'm enjoying your song too much.

Awesome work as usual. Get better plz :)


LJCoffee responds:

Thanks man,

I'm better now - I had an absolute shite weekend though.

I'll have to stop by your audio page and see what's new!



Sincerely, -zenon-.

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

YOur boobs aren't quite big enough.
Glad you like the tune, man!\m/

Hell yeah!

I thought this was going to be some kid of noobish thing... but then the groove set in and the guitar riff started to get all synchopated and stuff.

Awesome , I really like it. Blows away anykind of funk or chill music I could do :)

Keep it up!


snazzypadgett responds:

MY FIRST REVIEW! :') Thanks Zenon, your kind words have pushed me so far! :D You gave me confidence from the very start, thanks :D

I owe you a review

Not just cause you reviewed me, but because you are a very sexy man.

Yes, you heard me.
Lol, jk.

Awesome work, I can just see an orchaestra just pumping out the sound to this. The melodys are very nice, and everything is perfectly placed and mastered.

I never knew what you use to make music... we should do a collab sometime :) That would be badass!


PS, so what do you use again to make music?

DavidOrr responds:

I use Reason 3.0. I'd definately be up for a collab at some point :)

Thanks for the review!

Mastered for sound systems?

This is the best mastering I have heard you do so far. Keep this kind of compression up!

As for the song itself, the beat didn't quite make me feel very satisfyed, but the melody was great, but the volume levels between the melody and the bassline are kind of unbalanced.

Melody = turn up, basline = turn down a bit, or make it lower.

Good work!


DJ-Seri responds:

hehe thx, i had some help from martin for mastering i think i got the hang of compression now lol thx again


Jadan Paluck @PERVOK

Age 33, Male

Saskatchewan, Canada

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