
294 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Ick. Low quality.

It's only 2.7 MB, bro... you can go all the way to 8 :( You're not really doing anyone any favors by making it low quality.

That pad had the right idea in the beginning; set the mood beautifully. But I just hate that you didn't even try to decorate it; it sounds plain and very, very cheesy.
Your drum work is getting really awesome... even if the samples sound like Pendulum's drum kit, haha. Speaking of Pendulum... your drums sounded good and everything, but your fills were nothing more than fills; nothing creative about them :( You had the two step drums, and there was the occasional bass drum fill or the 16th note bass drum fill... I think I counted 3 or 4 different fills in the song? Dude, it's drum 'n bass; the drums gotta break it down every 8 or 16 bars. Keep it creative.

I like your reece more than your other songs, but for this particular track, I think you could have made the reece a lot more meaner and dropped out that horrid platinum lead every once and a while so the people can enjoy the drums and the bass just jammin' it out, you know? This could also give the song more of an edge because then you could also change up the reece pattern, and it could make it even sound more diverse than it really is.

So, just work on compromising when you compose; know when and when not to break in certain things, and know when things get too boring so you can change it up. Always think of new ways to improve your pieces, my friend.

Great work! You're really improving. Keep it easy;


boney-man responds:


Cool, cool. The samples ARE Pendulum's kit :D Wanted to try it out. Shouldn't have done that, but it goes with the song. Yeah, I used to make my drums really diverse, but then I kinda stopped and used the same 2-step patterns over and over with an ocasional fill. I should go back to my old ways.

Yes, yes, I should let the drums and the bass take more of the spotlight. I know I overused the platinum lead. I like mah reece tho :|

And I'll keep improving. Thanks for passin by mah audio man. :D

Oh my GOD!


Jesus christ I loved this song! I'm definitely downloading this shit, bro; and feel special. It's been over a year since I downloaded a song from Newgrounds :P

Keep it easy bro;


Rig responds:

i are speshil my mom sez so an my teechr sez i r smrt
Thanks for the props, man! Be sure to congratulate Cyril - his vocals made all the difference. :D

Pretty good :)

The effects in the beginning are great and well-placed; especially that laugh. Oo, so sinister. Can't get enough of that :)

When the main song comes in, the synths don't really have as much impact as I feel they should. I should be able to feel that sub bass/reese like none other. It really just sounds like a detuned saw. Come on, brother! Distortion, flanger, phaser, anything you can think of; modulate that fucker. Make him sound pretty :D

The drums sound great, but one word of advice: less bass drum. Make the patterns sound clean and organized.

Keep it easy;


Quarl responds:

rawr, thanks for the awesome review...but if you ask me...i'd say the song could use a hell of alot more bass drum :D

*AHEM...cough, let me be serious here for a minute though. Please hear me out...

I honestly don't hear whats wrong with the drums rhythmically. The eq could probably be better if I wasn't using garage band to mix, i'll give you that. But the rhythm is so much more. I'd like to note that I've been drumming for four years and in that time, I've learned how to play a double bass peddle sound with one foot. That allows me to play closed hi hat rhythms and double bass thing-a-ma-jigs that I loooovvveeee to simulate in garage band. The rhythms in this track were written on paper, played on my set, then transposed using a midi, then fixed up a bit (try playing these rhythms perfectly in time without a metronome), a second hi hat track was placed on top of the drum track to create a ployrhythm. Dunno if any of that makes sense, but I guess you could say that I really work hard on my drums. The production might not be the best, but there's more to it than you can hear.

Haha, obviously written in FL.

You might have been able to trick me into thinking otherwise if you didn't use that 3Xosc 303 sound ;) Everyone makes the synth, but it always sounds the same...

I like the drums, but the snare drum seems to strike my head in an awkward kind of way. Stands out in the mix really weird like. The piano would have been a nice addition, but it doesn't really seem like you follow the right key signature that you have the bassline going on (which sounds good, by the way). The piano took away the "serious ambience" that this track had.

Keep it easy buddy;


Spikrodd responds:

actually i did trick you...

that 303 is the cm303 from a computer music magazine. i have won! :D

the snare now that i look back on it should have at least had less of that hi frequency trebles (similar in range to hihats). I believe the only way to learn is to make m,istakes. i say this is a damn good one! i mean look at it! ... :D!

oh, also: congrats on 500 songs! you bastard you. xDDD

Fuck yeah.

I dunno if I could do better, bro ;) I guess I'll just have to try, eh?

Keep it easy bud;


Father-of-Death responds:

butt secks. plz.

I usually don't write reviews...

...for songs I like. I usually just favorite, and leave. But this song... 7 minutes long and 3 reviews? The injustice was killing me.

I love the plain, abstract but yet neatly constructed ambiance. It takes a while for it to get to that sick hip hop beat, but all of the effects you had going before were completely orgasmic. I love ambient for a few reasons; the fact that you can make artwork out of simplicity and the usage of sine waves. You did an excellent job with every sound in this song, man; I really appreciate that you put this on newgrounds :) Possibly the best usage of the new size limit yet.

Awesome work man. Keep it easy;


Kingbastard responds:

Thanks very much man, appreciate it, i was gutted it's been getting so little attention, maybe the length and build up is a factor:)

Oh man, awesome.

Hey LJ, been a while.

I have a history with the Amen break. First, you showed me and I loved it, then I grew sick of it, but recently I've grown a new-found-appreciation for the amen break... for some reason. I like your usage of it in this song, but you made the samples seem too choppy and short in between, you know? I would have liked to hear the amen break in it's full glory. Would have sounded great.

Also, I love two step. And even though the reece sound kind of silly (was a little high, imo) I loved your drum work and the big sub bass drop. My God, that's gotta my favorite part of the song, where it's just the drums, effects, and that big bass drop.

It's too bad you don't make dnb too much, because it certainly is a treat to listen to.

See ya around buddy; keep it easy,


LJCoffee responds:

Amen Amen - you're pretty much damned if you do and damned if you don't, lol...
Chopping up an Amen isn't changing it enough and if you change it then you should have left it - if you leave it then you're lazy and ... and... and.... :)

Thanks for listening though (and reviewing) - I always like to hear from you. I'm sure that I'll work on more DnB at some point but I'll just have to wait for the mood to strike.

Take it easy yourself!

Hello Anima.

First off, auto-10 cause it's been way too fucking long since I've talked to you. <3

I'm proud that you're keeping up making trance. After 4 years of writing music, I'm still undecided on what should be my genre. I really love making dark trip-hop and Goa, so I guess those are my calling. Anyways, to the song.

I like the intro but the cheesiness of that arpeggio you have going on is almost killing me. After you bring in the drums and the lead, you have a swirling pad in the background, which is nice. But in the introduction, you need something to get rid of the "lame", shall we say. Can I get an amen for "epic strings"? Yeah, the intro's beggin' for it.

Excellent melody. I enjoyed the little bass growl that you have at the end of each phase; personally, I'd like to see you make it sound more like a growl instead of just a "wwwooooww". I think you've already detuned it a fair amount, now just flange the fuck out of it (not too heavy though; make sure the feedback is at 0 and the rate is pretty low) and then distort & EQ. The flange will make the synth modulate a little bit, and the distortion will make it sound more crunchy.

The song is really just a repetition of itself with new drums every time it swings itself around; I'd consider changing that. Write some new stuff every time you play something over, like a break. Try your hardest NOT to add things when the melody plays itself over, but make the breaks (intro, break, outro) as creative as possible! So, you've got an intro (that's incredibly original, we hope) then your melody. Then a break that's COMPLETELY different from the rest of the song, and it's so full it almost sounds like another melody, but what ho!? We bring back the melody WITH NOTHING ADDED TO IT (repetition for emphasis, trust me, it works beautifully). Then after the melody, you can either choose to end the song there or make another break that's different from everything in the song, and then bring that same melody back. That last melody should sound the best, even though it's the same as the other 2. Know why? Because by now in the song, the listener has something to identify with. And because he/she has that thing to identify with, they love that melody with all their heart.

Arrange your song with extreme precision and care, and you'll win all the hearts and vagina your little mind could ever fathom getting.

Good work man, I wish you the best with your music.

Keep it easy;


Anima-Theory responds:

All I can say is....Woah :D

Sounded silly.

Just like spaghetti.

For seriously though, you had a host of some weird elements here. A reece that was too distorted for it's own good, drums that were so fast that they sounded like lols, and hoover like sounds? It's like a mini-reversed-hoover. Sounds cute :3


Keep it easy;


StereoTactik responds:

hmm i actually wasn't really going for a hoover sound, just a little stabby thing that I applied a pitch envelope to it sorta winded down, like when you're playing a record and you press stop but the record takes a split second to slow down and makes a cool sound :D so thats the story of the hoovery sample :O

I hear a reece.

Finally, you made a reece in your songs :D Sounds really good. Awesome job.

Keep it easy;


boney-man responds:

zomg you actually found one of mah songz o.O
anyway, it's great to get a good review from someone who's known as god on newgrounds :D


Jadan Paluck @PERVOK

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