Hey, a full song!
It was the first song on your list that was a full song, and whaddaya know, it's an 8 minute monster. I'm down with long songs, and I know how good it feels to write a song that long :)
The introduction came on a little slow, and I think maybe an introduction of a filler percussion instead of just the kick drum would have worked a little better. You know, don't be afraid to use cool sounding hi-hats and misc. percussion. Sometimes when you do that you can write melodic parts in the song that follow the rhythm of the other percussion. It's a cool idea to play around, check it out.
The song's been playing for a while now and I think that arpeggio could have used a little bit more expansion. Just even adding some higher notes in the arpeggio at the end of an 4 or 8 bar cycle really does help the song sound a little more climactic.
Regardless, I'm quite stoned and this song is absolutely great to have in the background so no complaints there, I WOULD listen to this song in my own time.
So there's a few ideas for ya! Keep it easy;