
294 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Very crowded?

The song itself is very powerful and kind of enjoyable, but this seems much more louder and uncontrolled than the last one... I may have a said 'make it fuller', but I didn't mean 'louder'. There are parts where the volume levels are simply, well, too loud. Keep EVERYTHING under control at every moment.

At parts it seems empty, and at others, it seems way too full and the parts that you wanna hear are completely drowned out.

Meh, I really wnana review some other songs tonight, so I'll leave it as that.


itsameyayo responds:

Lol, it could have rounded up to a nine, but I'm not complaining : )

-Yeah, it's crowded and loud, and then quiet, but I kinda meant it to be a decrease in action, so go figure that I might of messed that up : P

-Thanks for the review man!



What, you said it was cutesy :P

Very smooth, traditional dance song. The rev crash at the beginning of the song fitted very well, even if the rest of the song came in on a time that was completely unprediactble to me.

The melody is very nice, but you should consider adding a lot of harmonics, even though they are there, you need to think of some more diverse melodics with the melody and bassline. An 8 bar melody would be nessecary if you want to achieve this level of drama, as they call it :P

Very nice though. Just watch out on the volume meter... try not to let it hit the red very much! If it hits red, turn down the instruments down a bit!

Keep it up!


AphelionX responds:

thanx for the tip...i will consider that for my future submissions

Different! :D

When the song started, I thought it was going to be an iffy song, which it honestly and truthfully is. Because this song is most definately unique, I don't think that too many people are going to like it, but I'm not those other people now, eh? :)

I'll tell you what I thought of it.

The bleep sound in the backround were great, they added a lot to the feel of the entire song as a whole. Would have been more awesome if the percussion was more steady, you know? Standard open hi hat/ride with a clap every second beat. I could see the beginning riff easily being turned into a eurotrance arp with an evil bassline.

You should try something like that sometime :)

Good work, keep it up!


Lino responds:

Thanks for the awesome review!

Tetris...again... sigh.

Everyone has done a tetris remix at least once in their music career, and its getting quite old on me.

It would have been nicer if you created a melody of your own off the teitrs melody, instead of simply changing the synths back and forth.

Overall, you used nothing but presets, and you probably took the melody off of a MIDI. Oh well, at least the masterings isn't SO bad... still a little muddy though.

Good work, keep it up! Don't do too many remixes, though :)


AnSpal1202 responds:

I know wat u mean about the whole remix thing, I just wanted to try it out anyways, I'll make sure I make a different beat, luckily this is only the WIP Beta Loop so I'll get a chance 2 make it better

Techno, alright.

It lives up to its genre, but I have a few things to say:

The drums are too weak. Wheres the big pounding basskick and the savvy claps and open hi hats that make the people that hear it wanna dance? You need more than 16th note hats, man :)

Don't use sytrus too much, no lemme rephrase that... don't use the arping tool in sytrus. Take the arp off of it, and do it yourself. Modify the synths while your at it so you get a better sound too. Using sytrus presets = bad. Makes your music unoriginal.

Very nice work though, it wasn't painful to listen to, which is great :D


AnSpal1202 responds:

Thanx Zenon, I'll take ur advice, that'll help my usic a lot, thanx again man 4 the advice

Hey buddy!

I don't know if you heard or not, but I'm a huge ban right now...(30 day ban on BBS. I have 8 days left, though) so I thought it'd be nice if I left you a review after I read your advertisement :)

Very nice guitar sounds. The mix with the guitar and the hi-res pads sounds great. Very desert-like. I am waiting for the 'techno' to break in.

I like the break in, really. The bassline holds the low frequencies and the drums are heard in the hi freq. Even though I would have liked to hear less bass in the bass, and more in a solid kick that could add to the groove.

When the drums come in, the hi hats by themselves are just fine. But I don't like the progression you did with them after. You should have just had a huge snare/bass break at the 8 bar mark, and bam. You've got a god solid groove goin' from then on in.

The rest of the song is good and well balanced... but almost too well mastered. I hear no dominant frequency, and in this song, I'd like to hear less bass, like I said already, more kick, and more melody! The melody is just sitting in the backround like a bullied kid who doesn't have the mental ability to talk to other kids. It needs to stand out and be heard!

Good song, but above are just my personal comments. Lets judge by the genre now. To the scores!

Originality is a 7, because of the whole being techno, and everything you have done in this song, has already been done once already by at least one artist. But, I think the thing that makes this song unique is the fact that you had some nice little solos in the song somewhere... very nice. But the other stuff was just... techno. With a guitar, of course.

Very diverse track. I give it an 8, because of the nice melody changes, along with the solos that I already talked about. The thing that took away from the diversity the most was the percussion for the most part. Sure, you changed it quite a bit I hear, but you have that change going for a lotta bars. I'd rather hear a steady drum beat with a lot of breaks than a repeating drum beat that changes into another one every once and a while.

Clarity is a 9. I already went over the whole melody not being loud enough thing.

Effort is a 10, you deserve no less. A diver, well mastered track with a guitar. Can't get more effort than that.

Overall, an amazing 9. Its catchy, to say the LEAST. Great work man, I am seriously impressed :)

Keep it up!


RyeGuyHead responds:

"Almost too well mastered"...haha
I wanted everything to be heard equally, since this song was so heavily layered.
A 7 for originallity, look at the song i remixed for this and welll see if you give me a 7. Climate Siren is what its called.

If you want something purely original, go to The Tribe Is Among Us

Hey, Housemasta.

Just decided to drop off some helpful critism.

This song seems unsteady... you've got, quite honestly, an awkward arrangment of synths. Saw melody, seriously bassy kick, noise hi hats, and... I dunno, soft strings (I guess that'd be what you'd call em XD). Not saying that the song is bad, I like the general idea of it. But its the arrangement and the choice of synths that bugged me.

Try to work on making more of a 'progression' feel. When something new in the drum line breaks in, make sure that theres a huge drum break, and that theres a drum line that fullfills that need for power that you had goin' on. Same goes for synths.

That one arping synth you have going in the backround is simply following one of the melodies that you already have going on one synth... maybe make melodic, instead of following note for note? That might add to the 'trance' feel.

In the beginning, and throughout the song, when you had fade ins/outs, there was some clipping. That leads me to believe that you didn't compress this? :( If you did, then you must have done a real quick job or something :P Spend more time on mastering.

Good work though, just need to work out the kinks and soon it'll be a shiny piece of metal that everyone will want to buy at the local Co-op or Canadian Tire XD

Aye, but all above is all nice comments and stuff. More of a personal review. Lets get a little harsher, and look over the scores... please don't take any of this personally. I'm just trying to make your music that much more enjoyable :)

Originality sits at a low 4, because of the arping filtering out and in synths, 4 kick, and the offbeat hats. The FL samples really didn't help to your cause of being original, either. Original because of the noise hats... don't hear those too much anymore, and the stuttery arrangment. That arrangement wasn't nessecarily enjoyable, but it was original none the less.

Diversity has walked over to 6, because even though have many breaks, you have things following each other. It all revolves around those 5 or 6 notes you used. That soft string riff doesn't seem to change either.

Clarity is 7, because the song wasn't distorting all the time. Its not an 8+ because of the filter resonance being a little high. The synths aren't muddled though, so thats nice. But you have this snare break happen a few times in the song, which really kind of bugs me. You make it go down one or two octaves, makig it kind of hard to hear?

Effort is an 8 because of the non-solid arrangment job.

Overall is a 7. Well, its not something I'd wanna listen to, me being a techno-junkie and all that, and I am getting sick of hearing the FL preset samples in music, even if it is only one or two samples, it seems like those samples slap me in the face and scream at me 'look, im a horrible sample and I'm ruining a good song...' lol.

So, clean up your mastering, arrangment, and more melodics would be just snazzy.

Keep it up!


HouseMasta responds:

originality should be at 10 since this song has never been done before and i did the whole song myself with NO FL presets so that ones off. i used a lot of z3ta instruments that completely hogged my CPU so it may have clipping simply because of the usage issue.

clarity i agree with your 7, i couldve mastered a bit better, but i was lazy.

diversity, it has a different trance feel to it, so id say an 8 or 9 instead of your 6.

effort, 8 i could agree i guess.

overall, im sorry if i dissappointed you but this song was for my own enjoyment and i loved the way it sounded.


Since i have a popsicle in my hand and i can only type with one right nw cause of that, I won't avtually go into a hardcore review right now. I'll just say that this is top notch, pfrofessional stuff right here.

Kick ass stuff. You've got my download. You can lick my popsicle, if you want, too. :P


DarKsidE555 responds:

Ewww, no popsicle for me. >:(

Thanks for the download man and the kind review! \m/

Aw, I didn't get first review?

Damn Immune, always ahead of me. I'll have his head soon though...

*Ba dum bum pish!*

Very slow and groovy track, though. I always need my does of glitch. Or else I'l die if I don't get it :(

When you use those womans voices (thats what it sounds like, LOL) I was like "I am tripping out so much I am going to commit suicide." So I did, and I went to heaven, and then this review got earased and I was like "HEY WTF >:O11!!1111!!!!!1" Then I sat down and started to write this review.

BTW, this music pwns. And you know it. I've got a new ambient track coming soon, and this song is just the inspiration I need to finish it sometime :D Its a sine wave ambient track with glitch and sliced dirty drums. Very Kingbastard and your style like :D:D:D:D

Yeah. You pwn. Your music rapes me.

Great work, fewl!


PS: lol.

LJCoffee responds:




Tis trance, alright.

Could be much better executed, though. I can hear a melody just fine, but the song lacks progression. Even though there are CLEAR breaks in and out, you need to have a severe change to tell the listener, HEY, IM BREAKING DOWN. PUT YO' HANDS IN THE AIR!
This song just has the feel of constant power through the song, and it also has too MANY unclear breaks. Can't we all just be happy with a steady beat going through the song, only stopping once for extreme drama?

You did a good job, you just need to work on arrangment :)


bjoaierjbioaerjgoerj responds:

thanx.. im still practising on the arrangment parts if my songs.. still thanx. check out my other stuff! i think you'll like them!


Jadan Paluck @PERVOK

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