
294 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Then the song starts :P
Nice offbeat drum breaks, and the crunchy DIST kick makes me feel so homey with this song, man.
Everything belongs, nothing doesnt.
Even though that retro synth SURE is weird, it still fits, believe it or :P
did u do that turntable work? cause if you did, i love you.
Have my babies.
I have noticed why i love your songs...
...they revolve around the drums, and the drums are amazing, whether they be distorted or not, and it seems that the melody...is made by percussion, NOT by instruments.
Amazing, LJ.
PS Did you check out my Chaoz Devotion Remix? If not you should drop me a review on it, i think i need some critism :P

thanks man!

LJCoffee responds:

Let's see now...

Nope, I did not do any of the scratching - that was all a mix of 8 or 10 samples - those bits were the only loops that were used though, the rest is all me man...

I think you've nailed it - I really like percussive bits and I personally think that in some cases, additional melodic elements aren't necessary - This track had a bassline and a few other bits but after listening s few times I decided to strip it all out - I think it's better without the rest.

About the babies... I'm not sure that's what this world needs right now - :)

I will check out your stuff ...... now!

ah, a trance artist ;)

hey man! thanks for your review on my review on Chaoz Devotion...

I used to make trance all the time, but i wanted to try DNB, its much harder faster.
I still write trance music for CDs that i sell and whatnot.

anyways, to the song.

Im hearing a very lisght amount of ODing in the basskciks when you break the beat in.
And im sorry, but im gonna have to say this...
go to a sample site, and get some free drumloops, and slice THEM.
Please dont use Drill_NB...i honestly got sick of it...ive been using FL for the past 3 and a half yearrs and it jsut drives me nuts.
Other than that, good song.
Ill sum up what i think of it, where you could improve...etc.

Could be more diverse.
And when i say diverse, i dont mean 'one solid melody'. I mean Proably 10 or 20 melodies! You should ahve about 20 patterns used up on FL jsut for the melody!
Me likes diveristy.

The drums were good, but get a better clap sample and some drum loops.

The simplicity of this song is amazing...its so simple. But i like the way you transformed synths, and made simple chord structure sound good.

Now you need to master a bit...

Turn down the master volume a couple notches above the middle.
Then turn down all your instruments until you never see the volume bar EVER turn red.
Keep it blue.
Then go to your master FX channel, and put on a 'fruity compressor'
Keep clicking in the presets of it until you find something that wont make the song clip with what it is.

then you should ahve an amazing song.

I sense so much potential in you it isnt even funny.
I jsut chose to review this song cause its your most popular one :P

In no time at all, i can see you becoming the next biggest hit on newgrounds.
All you need is practice.

Great job, man!


Kilkila responds:

Thanks Man! You flatter me. Personally I appreciate the negative feedback on the drum loopsz- masochistic I know but it definitely helps a lot more in the long run. The simplicity was intentional. I definitely need to work with the drums... Anyways, thanks so much for the review! I'll be in touch.


Dude, its been so long since ive heard from yea ;)

So good to see you again.
Thanks for the reviews you dropped me...im personally, i fan of celtic.
You may not believe, that sicne im a metal head who dreams to be a DJ :P

good piece man, and AMAZING flute playing!

kind of relaxing, but theres enough action in it to keep me happy.

great work man, and great to see that your back!

PS i also really liked the quality in this track! keep it up!

Triskele responds:

That's the beauty of celtic, though. It's part of the musical heritige of many parts of the world due to immigration, and forms the roots of most modern genres. Anyways, thanks a lot for the review, and it's fantastic to be back!!

i heart ambient.

So lets see if i end up sharing my heart with you...

no wait, thats way too gorey...

I would like this much more if you...FXed it up.
My suggestion would be, take away half the bass in the guitar, use noise reduction, add a massive reverb (so it sounds live) and then turn up the treble a tad....
Maybe add a chorus if your going for a soft, spacey sound.

Good work man, but a little short...
Id like to hear more of this kind of music.

PS Myabe drop me a review sometime...id really appreciate it.

Tancrisism responds:

If I did all that, it would go against the simplicity that this tune was going for. But thanks man.

hey man!

thought id stop by and drop a review off...cause im a nice guy :P

awesome guitar work man! the reverb and everything make it seem so...Live!
Great work on that!

I wish i could play like you...good thing im a drummer, eh?

Your guitar work is FUCKING SICK!
Awesome work!

PS maybe you could check out some of my stuff too, thanks bud.

LunarHeart responds:

hahaa shit man, I wanna plays drums!
Glad you like my work Zenon,THANKS! and indeed, I shall check out your stuff tonight.. Im sure its kick ass as well!

sorry dude!

i need to check the weekly top 5 more often...i never knew you were up here!
fuck, eh!

heavy shit, man! You DESERVE to be up here.

you also deserve all 10s.

PS poop

speedmetalmessiah responds:

Don't worry man I didn't notice I was up there for a day or so after it happened.Thanks a lot for the 10's and for saying I deserve it.

Oh and have you finished that ambient track yet?Oh well guess we'll talk about it whenever I get on msn.

P.S.Yes poop

I am filled with shame...

As soon as you like, submitted this, i was the first to listen to it (as far as im concerned).

why didnt i revew it?
i dunno, but i guess that you deserve cookies with whipped cream AND this review now :P

So i guess that i inspired this one, eh?
*me feels VERY special*

this is glitch-wrok at its finest...i ehard glitch genre music that got like, famous n shit, and it doesnt even have a FUCKING BEAT!
But this, this is like:
fuckin bam.

no man, this is more like 3 in the morning trip acid music ;)

thanks for another great trk...and sorry for not getting the first revie win :P

great work man!

PS holy shit i jsut realized that this loops seamlessly. i hadn't noticed that it had looped like 3 times. lol

LJCoffee responds:

You're the fuckin man. - Yeah I'll give some credit to you - if you didn't ask about vocoders I wouldn't have ended up making this.. I'm sure that you can tell that "Blitz" was the next step up from this track - After it was finished I figured I'd do another piece with a much higher tempo - which is why the percussive track in "Blitz" is maybe a quarter of the length - Glad you reviewed it - Man, I think owe you a few reviews, really !



fucking insane,as always.
now i know why i used to idolize you (and still do).

its like....trip acid ambient.
but then your like...

FUCKIN' BAM, BITCH! The break beat that you throw in is amazing, but believe it or not, it, to me, would be classified as ambient, even with those drums, man.

i never knew that you could do glitch-drum work like that, man. I guess i learn soemthing new everyday.

All of the ambient pieces that i wrote...Red Tears, Half Alive, Falling to hell, and a host of others, were all inspired by this kind of music....

man, you have like, taught me how to appreciate music in its truest for (to me, anyways)

thanks, and great fucking work!


LJCoffee responds:

WoW! - thank you - That means a ton to me. Actually, this is just a step away from my last submission - After reading your topic about vocoders, I recommended a few then I decided to mess around a bit here with one and I made "Vocode Reaktion" - It's pretty much just glitched up drums - You might like it.

You, my friend, are an awesome musician as far as I am concerned - damn near every submission I hear is better than the last.

Thanks again for the remarks and the score! (I'm assuming that you're saving the vote for later) ;)

hey man

its been like, forever since i reviewed your stuff.

I like the little trill thing that you did on the guitar at the very start...but it almost seems like the harmonics are off a bit with the synths in the begginning, or maybe thats the feeling you were going for?
cuase it cleared up really good later on.

great work man...i wish i could play guitar this good..


FlameMesial responds:

Yes, I think that was the feeling I was going for - I doesn't sound off to me (and with synths, did you mean the keyboards or guitar?).

Anyway cheers for keeping your promise, I thought you let me down for a while.

Cheers Dood!!

your ego has me interested :P

if u dont blow me away, im going to shit on your grave.
yeah, you heard me.
naw, im joking....anyways, to the song.

Im liking the ambience so far...the piano and everything is perfectly mastered...but then this weord trip kick comes in...
ehh...im really kinda wondering if i like the drums or hate them...
then the ambientce breaks away and a trip acid dance song going at like, 110 or 120 BPM break in!
i honestly didnt see that coming.

This is a very unique and well organized track, but the mastering on the bass...well, needs to be bassier. not the bassdrum, the bassline.

good song, but my two words of advice:

get a better kick sample, and make it smooth...i dont like the glitchiness in it.
and the ending...actually needs to an ending! its jsut kind of a fade off type thing...

but still, i like the song.


SolusLunes responds:

I like the whole idea of "bassier", and it was fun to do the whole "SHAZAM, DANCE MOTHAFUCKAS!" thing.
And my grave does have a portapotty installed for people just like you. Watch for my next song- I know you're gonna like it. It'll prolly be done tomorrow or tuesday.


Jadan Paluck @PERVOK

Age 33, Male

Saskatchewan, Canada

Joined on 4/18/05

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