
294 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Kickin it old skool

Always good to hear.
The beginning pads and chords weer amazing, loved it, not too much to complain about there.

My main complaint is aobut the beginning...When you bring in the main lead.
Its too...harsh!
When it all breaks in, and its all sexy n stuff, its great, and really gets the point across.
But when you first bring it in, id suggest a softer lead, maybe without it being so rough like.

Much more drama would be brought in using this technique.
I like your hat work, sounds very realistic, but id like to hear at the 8 bar break in on the melody a nice, hi ended, reverbed open hat.

Wow, would that ever bring the song together.

This is making me wish i was 14 in the 90s, and not now, so i could enjoy good music lie this back then, eh?

Great work, needs improvment and a bit of dynamics, but hell, this is a preview!


PS: Nice animal sounds. Very realistic. also, 6 for effort cause its a demo >:(

DavidOrr responds:

Wow, awsome suggestions here! I will definately change around the lead, I like the ideas you suggested. In a newer version, I already have a hat going in the 8 bar break, and it definately does sound better. Thanks again for the great ideas!

Have a tasty review.

Sprinkled with tartar sauce and maybe some cheese.

I'll put aside the horrible NG mastering, and try to focus on the song itself.

When you brought the song in, ill be honest right now, i hate that crash. You threw in a too big of a phaser/flanger.
Now, to the first arp...i like the filter, and the arp filtereing in is very, VERY solid. Like that part.
Now...when you bring in the fully filtered in arp with the drums at the start, i think you could have put more effort into it and then made the arp more diverse.
Maybe a melody teaser, instead of repeating the same thing?
The break, when you started to bring in the melody, was way WAY too long.
How to shorten that part up would be to like, make it, instead of like, a 30 or 40 bar build up, only an 8 or 16 bar build up.
Then you can spend more time making the melody more diverse!
The clav/bells you have going with the melody were great, but id like to hear them more...harmonic or melodic.

Ack, that crash is bugging me...i wouodnt mind if you used it only like, once or twice in the song, but id like to hear a more solid crash!

I can't hear the open hi hat very well, and in my opinion, the open hi hat adds the groove to the build.

Back to the build up!

When it starts, i like the little 'down' effect. But id like t hear a big ass BOOOOM.

The stutter you bring is great, so no complaints there.
I dont like, however, how you brought in the full melody in the build up.

I would do the build like:
(boom/break)->(Filter in half melody)->(Melody is still filtering, and snare roll starts)->(snare roll is done, and then its a big BOOM, and then the drums stop, and then the kick breaks in on a 4 bar break, then the melody breaks in).

That adds a lot of power to the song, it adds an anti-climactic drop, thena bring back.

When the melody hit, you brought in the ride RIGHt away. I dont like that.
Id like to see the melody play once or twice, maybe more or less, then have a drum drop, then a drum bakc in, and maybe a 4 bar drum roll, then the ride breaks in, with a BOOM.

Boom FX always send a chill down my spine, because they define when a song is rising, and then it makes it feel so much more comfortable.

Good luck in the future.


MattBlair responds:

Hey man, thanks for the always detailed review. I'll see what I can do for you about changing it :).


*cracks neck*

The bongos are nicely done, same with the bass stabs in the beginning.
I dont really like how you didnt have a drums break in though...you jsut started them, not really too much of a thriller part there.
When you drop in the full track with the melody acid line and the detuned lead synth, theres onew thing i ahve to say there:
You didnt finish the drums!
You sound so freakin empty, and thats been bugging me forever.
The acid line is pretty well done, so no complaints there.
The detuned synth is something id like to hear a little more of...
maybe in the full version you could filter out the acid lead and make a melody out of the detuned synth?
That would sound sick, man.
So yeah...jsut a little more work on the drums and this track would be a hit.

Good work.


apimusic responds:

thanks for the detailed review, -zenon-.

so liek

there was these, liek, n00bs that said liek, 'techno sucks LOL' and i was liek, 'N00B' and i like, slapped him and stuff.


About the song.

Unique begginning.
Very unique...sounds like your using my filter trick of something!
But i doubt it.

The AMEN beat was great, but like, it didnt sound like you did any slicing...

You have all these dynamic drums with that hard, sappy bassline...but theres this one part, where the glitched and cut drums dont really have a good break in.

Cause its like this: (the arrangment of the song part, i mean)

(bass/amen break)->(glitch drum break in/calm down)->(not really dynamic switch to normal bassy pad again)

You needed a big like, boom or a big crash or something, jsut to give it the power that its still alive, you know?

Great slicing work, near the end, id like to see that happen a lot more instead of the 4 bar thing you did at the end.
Bring it out to like, 8 or 16 bars of AMEN drum soloing!

That would be great.

Loved the FX, loved the bass pad, the drums were great and very diverse, but some of the breaks werent too...cut...

The ending was great, also, and i think i heard a vocoder in there somewhere.

Great work, i see obvious effort put into this.


AdmiralConquistador responds:

You know, I read your review and totally agree with the points you made. Amen drum soloing would have been sick, but I was having real trouble slicing the amen break for some reason... ReCycle is new to me. teh noobs need to suck a fat one -_-


57 seconds, eh...

lets see how good of a review i can give.

Very...weird begginning.
The rave lead you used seemed a little too random sounding.
But then it cleared up and it was all good...my only complaint is that i couldnt really hear the drums.
The basline was a little too punching, if you know what i mean.
It was a thumping sound that needed to be slowed down...maybe down to a 8th note pattern instead of a 16th note pattern.
Then maybe add some nice string pads or something to smoothen it up and make it sound perty :D

The guitar was good, but maybe it would have sounded better if ya turned down the volume, and made into a full-blown guitar solo.
Trust me, to me, writing guitar solos on FL is freakin fun, man.

Good song, and good work.


LoneEagle responds:

Thanks alot for the nice review man. Yeah well the beginning was doubled in length compared to the original, twas to introduce the hats and all lol. Yeah the bassline in pretty much all megaman songs are like this, constant short notes. And when i remake a song, i usually remake it identical except for the drums and the instruments that i change. Yeah everything was so loud that the drums were kinda left out. I'm not to comfortable with solos and stuff yet, turning the volume down on that guitar? yea maybe a bit you're right. Anyways thanks again for the review.

oh shit

i forget which one you wanted me to review :(
Whatver, i hope this one will do ;)

Time to see if youve improved a lot since the last time i seen you.
Very realistic sounding.
When the synth fades in, i could swear that it pans in the right side of my ear.
Good job there, and if it wasnt intended, good job none the less.
I would to hear more of an 'oomph' when you add something.
And that means that you need to spread out the arrangment a bit.
Like, you had a change each..i believe it was every 16 counts?
Well, i would change that up so its a little more progressive. Like...you have a percussion change every 32 counts, instead of 16.

Wow, theres so much i wanna point you out on, and commend you on...i might have to let it loop :P

The piano break was great. But it was WAY too empty.
I would add strings then, but dont have the strings just BLARING in, going as loud as the piano. That would take away the whole feel.
Have them slowly fade in...
And at the end have a 4 beat break!
its adds so much power, my friend. It truely does.

Its like...your expecting it to jsut go BANG, but then tehres this breather and then it goes HOLY SHIT BOOM.

I also did not notice any pads that came in when the chorus cacme in. Kinda mde me sad, cause trance is all about power, progression, great theory and catchy melodies.
You have the catchy melody.
You have great progression, but that could be touched on a bit.
Oh, before i continue, i may as well throw in another point about the progression part...

you build it very nice, and you bring in the standard melody. But then you bring in the last melody, like RIGHT then!
I was like, woah.
I did not see that coming!
I would have stopped the song right there, and had a big BOOM sound.
Then have the synth slowlyfade in...make it very dramatic. Make the people feel the power rush.
That move was a little too straight foreward for my liking, to be honest.
So like, you could ahve made the song longer and also added a lot of progression to it by doing that.

Now, about the power...
The power only comes in when you bring in the entire final melody and everything.
You need a pad. I would suggest grabbing a fat lead or something, throw it down an octave or so so its deep and throbbing, and then have it play 4 bars of pure power.
That should add a lot of energy to the track.

The theory was great. So complaints there.

So, i DID have a few ideas, but hey.
tis that time of night, eh?

alright man, have a good one.

PS there really was no ending...kinda bugged me.

MattBlair responds:

Wholy crap ZENON. Thanks for the review. Very very very nice. This, is an early verion of the song. And you've given me ideas which I'll use in the completion of the track. Thanks alot man.



On the front page no.1
(even though its all score...sadly)
impress me, my good sir.

Im loving the beginning, very very well put together and well looped FX.
The radio sounds are very good, they blended right in.
The pad that faded in added JUAT the right amount of power the song needed, in my opinion, even though it IS a preset, and that kinda made me sad inside...

The arp was clearly Short 3, bu hell, i use it all the time too, so i wont rag on you.
The drums could ahve came in a little...more pwoerufl for the way the song was coming.
Like the arrangment for the song coulda hve been something like:
(FX) > (pad fade in) > (Weak synth build) > Strong synth bust in with kick) > then (break in shaker drums) kinda like a hi hat shaker thing instead of automatically using your open hi hat...like a weaker hi aht sample or something, and then you could go something like > (break in hi hat with more powerful synths).

really...you brought in the clap and the open hi hat first. I didnt really like that arrangment.
The clap was good and powerful, fitting for the name.
Kinda could be music b4 a crime happens or something, y'now?

What id like to hear:
A little more diveristy. A few breaks every 16-32 bars or soemthing of the sort, to give the song the feeling that its 'breathing'.
This song has no breaks, but is very smooth.
But think of it like a human...if we run smooth, thats all good and everything, but if we dont breathe, we die.
Adding breaks, build ups, alternate percussion and making it more diverse and adding a crash whenever you add something new is like breathing.
Not only does it improve performance, it is required for life (or, a good overall song).

Im not saying this was bad, but it DOES need quite a bit of imporovment.
I didnt hear any ODing anywhere, so im guessing that you compressed it. If you didnt, then SHAME on you!
Go learn to use a compressor, it'll not only limit your musical abilities to a degree where you only use the good things (trust me, that helps) and it'll make your song never OD...no matter HOW loud its turned up.
(unless your speakers suck :P)

Good song, good build, but id like to hear the entire thing, cause i can sense an amazing melody in the full version.

Good work, good job, 4/5, 8/10.


Kilkila responds:

Dude- are you on AIM or MSN? Cuz if you are we neeeeeed to get in touch- there is much I could learn from you ^_^. Thanks for the review!!! Keep listening!


A little random...

Drums are good, and it loops good, but id suggest adding a nice, deep sappy jungle bass or something, and make it more of a melody, instead of sounding like your hitting random notes in no particular pattern.

Again, good, but not amazing.


Diluzion responds:

Thanks for the review. Ill be sure to take your tips. This is my first DnB though. Lol

ah, i feel guilty

for not dropping a review for all the ones you gave me.
I hear some nice vocoders and whatnot...very, VERY smooth, my friend.
Its creative enough to come up with those kind of sounds :P
Harder to put them in beat.
The piano is amazing. Wow, like, that kind of amazing.
actualy, its more like FUCKIN' BAM!!!
that hardcore.
The drums are great...very, VERY slick hi hat and crash samples dude!
(your making me jealous with those samples)
The vocoding in this trk is AMAZING.

The glitches...very creative, and geat timing on them.

amazing fucking track all the way.
*me gets blown off the fuckin universe in grestness*


AdmiralConquistador responds:

Haha, dig on this poop, good sir:

No vocoders in this track. Not a one. It's all the Fruity Speech Synthesizer, writing words one by one and selecting the notes, and then kinda just putting them together quite awkwardly... Image-Line needs to really improve the way you write melodies with the speech synthesizer. I'm glad you liked the piano, and the drums which were a huge focus for me in this song. Glitches are fun:)

Off the universe! wow that's a good distance for you to get blown away haha

Thanks for the awesome review man!



jsut thought id tell you...
A remix isn't taking the already existing .FLP file, and rearraning it.
Its taking a NEW, BLANK project, and taking the melody, making your own instruments, and figuring out the melodics YOURSELF.
This, my friend, is no less tha plagurising, im sorry to say.

Oh, and the next time you try this...actually do a good job...all the basslines were in the wrong spots and cause sour notes all the time, and the timing was way off.

danglada responds:

Thanx. I'll remember all this next time. I actually don't plan to do any more "remixes".


Jadan Paluck @PERVOK

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