
294 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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question time!

do you use double kicks? if you do, listen to mike portnoys drum solos to get a feel on how quadrupitles and tripltes sound.The open hi hat that u use is too...flashy. tone it down a bit to make it sound a little cleaner and more approaprtiate to the drum kit. I like the guitar though, nice job on that.

keep it up,

ElGhoulio responds:

I use a piece of shit yamaha electric drumset, and my computer skips all the time... Who the hell is Mike Portnoy? Hellhammer's probably better, anyway.

Also, the reason the hi-hat is open is because the pedal to close it is broken. And I use it, along with the bass drum, to keep beat. I'm not sure about when I made this demo, but that's what i use it for nowadays. Peace out!


i dont knwo what to say. if its funny, or it sux ass. I give you something though, for typing that out on the speech thingy, ill you a 1 for effort.



o and get a life
dont screw with newgrounds

cr0miumZX responds:

dont screw with newgrounds


its review time bitch

ok i liked the phazy kind of horizon sound in the beggingng, the slow kick should have come in with a crash, would have had more impact.
The bassline moog that u used is nice, but it could have been a little more varied.
Then u used simsynth. Was good, but then along came sytrus.
Sytrus owns simsynth.
Anyways, that little arpo thing that u have going with just the kick and then the moog is very nice. very nice build up.
But then you bring in that damned synth that you used in the begginging. I already wasn't fond of it. And then to blow the sound lvls over you throw in the simsynth.
I like it when it all stops and its the arpy thing with the chords in the backround. nice touch.
The slow kick is nice, but again, needs a crash.
About now im wondering why u didn't bring in an open high hat and clap. Then i realised something. Its the end of the song, and u didn't give me that rush that most techno songs do with the nice, solid beat.
This was jsut a kick and closed hh.
sorry, but i despised ppl who cant throw in a good beat cause it'll over do the sound lvls even more.
Anyways, enuf of my bitching.
Good song, just change the beat and the simsynth and add a solid lead chorus instrument. or at least turn down the volume.
sry if i was too over critical,


NDP responds:

Imnot sure i followed but i think you said its ok but would be good if improved.

To be honest, i completeley agree, i went into this techno phase for a while a made lots of techno, it ended up with songs that have potential but were not fully finished. So if i had the time i would finish them all up but instead im gonna start composing new techno with the knowledge i have now acquired from University and continue with my classic

Thx for your time though




sry lol.
good, i like the solid pounding beat ni the begginging, then the nice slowed up beat that followed.
But still, even though the instruments were very nicely played, you still gotta work with those high notes man. They are ripping out my ears from the inside out they hurt so much from those notes!
Other than that, very nice, danceable(if yer into that thing) music, and you should keep this up no matter wut n e one says.


Triskele responds:

Actually, the high notes are fine live...it's just the BLOODY MICROPHONE!!!!

lol...Hopefully in the near future I'll remedy that problem...thanks for the review :D

not good enuf you say?

not good enuf to make money? Bah!
just find a traveling show , y'now, one of those shows that travel from town to town playing in these big festivals an shit...
ive done it b4 and it was as fun as hell, even though im only 13, its still as fun as hell to tour.
And due u have to figure this out that the music industry is laid back!
if you wanna make a song, play the song, but dont record it if you feel sick!wait a day or two, the susspense will make everyone ache in pain for the wating of the music.
i know i would.
I like the smooth guitar strums, the voilin was done VERY smoothly, just a bit off every once and a while, u need to learn to work with your mic a bit more according to the volume.
Nice singing, even though you were sick!
keep this up.
you'll soon make a name for yourself on here for creativity man.


Triskele responds:

Thanks very much ^^

Yes, I'm very happy with the guitar work, our drummer just started playing, but he's excellent already...

We were in a bit of a rush to record this, because we were late submitting a demo to a possible employer, but from now on I plan to wait until I'm in good condition to sing :D

alright,time to review this shit

i like the filters kick.
after that, i love the short synth arp, and then the fuzzy kick is OK, but i would have used something a little smoother for this song.

The high hats i like....for a different type of song. I would use those hats in a Rave like song. they r too loose for a song like this.
The snare you used, i think there is something wrong with it, its like its too low...w/e.

The main chorus teaser is nice.

But b4 the chorus plays, you have that drum roll that u played about 4 times already, it would be better if u saved that roll for that part o the song.

The euro trance part o the song gives you points for diversisty. And im waiting for it to kick into it, and what do you do?
Im sorry dude, but you used that drumroll one too many times in this song.

I did like the build-down though. Very soothing, unlike the rest of the song.

Ending was unique and nice.

Over all, i give you an 8/10. Good job, keep it up.

PS sorry if im too over critical on this review


Pandora-Tranquil responds:

yeah maybe i shouldnt have used the drumroll so much idk. As far as the snare goes, there is no snare in the song exept in the drumroll, thus explaining it "being to low" lol.

this is definately not my best, i was trying to make something as good as wilted dreams, but its allright, its not like horrible, jus not as good.

plus i barely do songs like this (this was like way different even if it had some trance in it it was alot of techno stuff in it)


since im a drummer, i can only comment on the drums, and of course the funkyness of the beat.
drums-were good, but a little too repetitve. Needs maybe some 64th-note snare rolls in the there and maybe a single tom hit.
ghost notes are also pretty:)

and the rest? is history...

since i know shit about them.


Andersson responds:

Hmm. Yes you're right.

The drums need something more than just that repeating beat.

Anyway, thank you very much for the review. I do really apreciate it.


/Mathias Andersson

well if your relized

im trying to give all of yer songs at least one review. If i missed 1 or 2,sry.
Its good, but the snare build up u have b4 the 2 parts play together, the snare is way to low.

and the lyrics need work but they r good.
i can't really say anything else, thats about all that happened in the song.


DJLezlee responds:

Thanks blackhawk again. I really do enjoy reading your reviews. You seem to see the entire structure of a song just through listening and you also give very helpful critism.


smooth beat in the beggining.
I like the acid WASP that u bring in(if its a wasp)
the hits add a little sum thing to it.
Then u bring in the bassline. TOTAL smoothness(thats what i look for in a song)
then u bring in this sweet ass chorus lead. So nice. it was like taunting me cause it sounded like it was filtered, and i was waiting for it to unfiltered. It never happened, and that dissapointed me. Nice still. unique.

I like the part when it kicks in out of the beat break, but your crash, like i said b4, needs more reverb! Smooth. like with the ladies.
keep that in mind.

hope this helps,


DJLezlee responds:

Once again a very helpful review blackhawk. Please continue! Thanks.


...im listening to it. And im enjoying the nice lyrics and the filtered drums. Now i think it would be awesome if it filtered out slowly. instead u kick it straight out into the open with the clear beat. Nice, but would have been better with a filter.

So then As i listen more, i like the slicing job u did on the lyrics, sloppy, but good. Then u add the main chorus instrument. I like it, but it sounds too empty. And witht the drums, i would have really like it if you used an open high hat, instead of a closed hat.
Maybe add sum reverb on the snare and crash. No, add ALOT of reverb on the crash.
To make it alot smoother.

other than all of this bullshit that is coming out of my mouth, or out of my fingers if u wanna put it that way, its really good. Keep it up!

And another thing.

Focus on being smooth. Thats what makes trance trance! Electronics and smoothnis. And i think that u almost got it down.


DJLezlee responds:

Thanks a lot for the review. that 'bullshit' as you call it is actually very helpful. You know I really like your reviews. Thanks again.


Jadan Paluck @PERVOK

Age 33, Male

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