I swear your on drugs.
Man, i thought that the beginning of this track was iffy...I didn't much care fro the beginning with the retro drums.
But when you brought in the glitch work, holy shit.
THATS when i got impressed. It was a very sketchy glitch, t was a little offbeat, but it brought in the feeling for the rest of the glitch you are about to bring in.
Lovin it. Your bell melody is slightly detuned, and that makes it feel ever so DIRTY, even though its a clean and smooth synth.
I think it would be sweet that at near the end of the track, you got rid of the hardcore reverbed drums, and made the drums entirely glitch work.
Then I would love you long time.
Freakin awesome work, all it needs to be is 10 minutes long so i can sleep to it...
Awesome. Just plain awesome.
100,000,000,000/10 from me.