Lets mame this song
and give it new legs so people can look at it and say 'hey, its a normal guy. Not a gimp'.
I am, of course, refering to the FL samples. Considering how long it has been since you submitted something to this account, I though you would have gotten some good royality free ones by now. Go get yourself z3ta+, Vanguard, and go to google.com and put in 'breakbeat paradise' and click on the first link that comes up. That site should help you a lot with samples.
To the song, and I'll try not to rip on the samples too much.
The hi hats are nice and steady in the beginning, which is nice, but I saw no point to do that unnesscary break you had (with the un FXed hit). You stopped the hi hat, got rid of the groove you had going, and then broke it down and started something else in the song that almost sounded completely different and unwanted, when you could have done it much MUCH smoother. Getting rid of that 4 beat break would be an awesome start, and if you keep that hit, add some delay, reverb, and EQ it so it doesn't sound like your using an FL preset... come on, you couldhave tried there :(
My ears are very VERY sensitive, due to several serious ear infections and playing drums for 9 years. The panning in this song pains me to listen to. Panning is good... in small doses. Don't have everything panning at once, make the LOUDER things stay in the mid-pan section, and quieter thigs you can pan with no penalty.
When you broke in the song after the break, you had this weird 'warble' sound'. I don't know, but it doesn't fit the 'industrial' feel. Its liquid, and im expecting things that sound like metal, not water.
I'm noticing that you used (at the beginning) a 3Xosc preset. It doesn't really fit the feel... it would have worked better if you made a 3Xosc yourself. Try not to use their presets, screw around with the 3X0sc and look at the projects under 'cool stuff'. That will teach you more than enough on how to use the 3Xosc. A distorted 303 would work nicely, I think.
Lets go over the scores...
Originality is a 4. Honest to god, I wouldn't mind if you had FL presets in it (im serious) but the fact that just used the FL presets, and you put no FX on them or edited them whatsoever bugged the hell out of me. At LEAST do that!
Diversity sits at 7, because the loop is a 2 parted song, and well, its a loop. You could have put in the effort to make it at LEAST 1 minute long.
Clarity is 9 because of the panning. Nuff' said.
Effort sits at 4. Why? See what I said about diversity and originality.
Overall is a 6. The composition is decent, but the song itself could have been arranged MUCH more solidly.
Think of it this way: Don't stop editing a song until you LOVE what you hear. Don't listen to something in the song that is slightly wrong and say 'hah, they won't notice'. No, fix it. Make sure the song is completely flawless in everyway until you find yourself lsitening to your own music.
PS: If I sound harsh, well, sorry. I just wrote a truthful review, no attacks on you personally whatsoever.