I've been bustin' my butt uh, listening to great music and trying to incorporate their high quality standards into my own songs :P I've been having great fun and in my eyes, success.
The songs Fuck Pop and Jugs of Poison are both up for free download. Fuck Pop having a cliche intro, following the same kind of bassline that you would typically hear in any pop song. Then destroys your hopes with filthy dubstep. Jugs of Poison is just a great bangin' house track, that would be worth all four minutes and thirty five seconds of your time :)
There are also a few other new projects up there strictly for your listening pleasure, songs like "Life Altering", "Glass Infection", and my newest compilation, "Rape With a Question Mark". I sampled my brother's voice (him and I are working on rap ideas, with him spittin' and me providing the instrumentals) so I got him to record that simple phrase and the song borne itself.
I hope you all enjoy the new songs!
i liked the pop part at the beginning but the rest sucked lol